
Marcos Suzano's instructional DVD for pandeiristas

If you play the pandeiro, it's more than likely that you've heard of master percussionist Marcos Suzano. I learned yesterday that he has a pandeiro instruction DVD out, and bought it immediately. The catch is that the only source I know of is Amazon Japan and the audio is in Portuguese with Japanese subtitles. I ordered it yesterday, and with shipping to the US it came to about US$62. Should be here in about a week. If you're interested, here 'tis.


geraldo said...

did you ever get the Suzano Pandeiro DVD ?

I would love to get my hands on one.


geraldo de oliveira

maude25Alex said...

I also have good experience on owning music instructional videos material. Its very easy and fast to learn, It will just give you few time to learn to play different music instrument.

Unknown said...

Hi Eric!!

I haven't seen the DVD mentioned but have just received one made and sold by Kalango in Europe. It's fantastic! http://www.brasilpercussion.com/

See you later